
These are all of TempleBot's commands. Some of them can take optional arguments.

!bible / !oracle $LINENUM (default random)
Displays line number $LINENUM from the Bible file.
Displays a random passage from a random book
Displays a random emoticon
!happy $NUMBER (default 10)
Displays $NUMBER random 'happy' words from God.
Displays available commands and description of the bot
Displays the title of a random movie
!number $MAX (default 10)
Displays a number between 1 and $MAX.
!quit / !exit / !stop
Doesn't stop the bot
Displays a random fortune
!recipe $NUMBER (default 10)
Generates a random recipe made up of $NUMBER ingredients.
Restarts the bot
Displays credits and link to source code
!words / !God $NUMBER (default 10)
Displays $NUMBER random words from God.